Here - Replace Location String
If you would like to replace text "You are here:" with something else, you have to assign a desired text value to a site wide variable 'Here'
sfid - Display Source Forge Logo
Set the variable 'sfid' to the value of group id of your SourceForge project if you want to display SourceForge logo of your web site.
CodeUnderMenu - Insert HTML Code Just Under the Menus
Insert your custom HTML code just under the menus by setting value of the variable 'CodeUnderMenu'. The value of this variable will be pasted just under the generated menus.
This might be usefull for displaying counters, small banners, some links or something like that.
CodeBeforeBanners - Insert HTML Code Just Before the Banner Line
Insert your custom HTML code just before the banners by setting value of the variable 'CodeBeforeBanners'.
PageTopCode - Insert HTML Code at the Very Top of Page
Insert your custom HTML code at the very top of every page by setting value of the variable 'PageTopCode'.