Qixite can be easily translated to other languages, because the strings are stored in an external xml file.
It is possible to edit this file using any text/xml editor. But we have created a program 'Qixite Translator' which aids the translation process.
The program displays all the strings available in English and provides an easy way to enter the translation for each item that is specified in English.
How to use Qixite Translator on Windows
1. You have to have Qixite installed on your machine, it is required as Translator uses some of Qixite settings (such as file locations and fonts to be used)
2. You have to download Qixite Translator .zip from the link provided above and extract the Translator.exe file in the same directory where you have Qixite installed
3. Start the translator.exe
4. Choose the language you want to translate Qixite to from the 'Languages available' list
(If you have chosen incorrect language, you will just have to restart the program Translator.exe)
(If you have chosen incorrect language, you will just have to restart the program Translator.exe)
5. Now click on any item on the left side
5.1 English value will appear near the word 'English'
5.2 The same English value will appear near the word 'Other language', just delete the English expression and enter the expression in your language.
6 Choose menu File -> Save
How to use Qixite Translator on Linux
1. You have to have Qixite installed on your machine, it is required as Translator uses some of Qixite settings (such as file locations and fonts to be used)
2. You have to download Qixite translator .tgz from the link provided above and extract the Translator file in the same directory where you have Qixite installed
3. IMPORTANT: make your translations.xml file writable to you ! It is usually located in /usr/share/qixite/translations.xml You can do this by executing the following command (you have to do this as a user 'root'):
chmod 666 /usr/share/qixite/translations.xml
4. Start the Translator.
5. Choose the language you want to translate Qixite to from the 'Languages available' list
(If you have chosen incorrect language, you will just have to restart the program Translator)
(If you have chosen incorrect language, you will just have to restart the program Translator)
6. Now click on any item on the left side
6.1 English value will appear near the word 'English'
6.2 The same English value will appear near the word 'Other language', just delete the English expression and enter the expression in your language.
7. Choose menu File -> Save
What to do after I have translated everything?
Just send me the file translations.xml by e-mail or notify me, of the location (URL) of the translation.
Translation status reports
Translation status reports can be found here:
Language IDs
Since version 0.0.9 language IDs in the file "translations.xml" are set to the corresponding locale code.
Default language "English" is an exception "English" is used insetad of "en_US" though "en_US" might be introduced later.